Working Rules of the Honors & Awards Committee of the ICHMT


The objective of the Honours and Awards Committee (“the Committee”) is the nomination and election of persons to be awarded the ICHMT Luikov Medal and the ICHMT Fellowship Award in recognition of their contribution to the science and art of Heat and Mass Transfer and to the development of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT).


The Committee is composed of the President of the Scientific Council, the Chair of the Executive Committee, the Secretary General of ICHMT (each of whom shall be ex officio voting members) and general members appointed by the Executive Committee from the Scientific Council (“SC”) and Executive Committee (“EC”). The term of office of general members shall be three years.

The number of general Committee members shall be an odd number and shall not exceed twelve; no more than two general members of the Committee shall come from the same country.

Approximately one half of the general members shall retire at the first EC meeting in 2004 and each three years thereafter, the maximum continuous period of membership of the Committee being two terms of three years.

The Chair of the Committee is appointed by the EC Chair with the advice and consent of the EC.

The membership of the Committee will be reviewed yearly at a meeting of the EC and the current membership list included in the EC minutes.


3.1. Types of Awards and Nomination Criteria

3.1.1. The ICHMT Luikov Medal

The Luikov Medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the science and art of Heat and Mass Transfer and for activities in international scientific cooperation in conjunction with ICHMT programs.

The Medal is presented at an appropriate event of the ICHMT together with a certificate signed by the President of the SC and the EC Chair.

No more than one Medal will be awarded every two years.

3.1.2. The ICHMT Hartnett-Irvine Award

The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer will award annually the Hartnett-Irvine Award for the best paper on heat or mass transfer presented at a conference, symposium or seminar organized or co-sponsored by ICHMT in the previous year.

The Award has been established to honour the life and memory of James P. Hartnett and Thomas F. Irvine, founders of ICHMT and outstanding leaders in the fields of energy resources and heat and mass transfer research.

Nominations for the award shall be invited annually by the Secretary-General from the Chairs of each ICHMT activity conducted in the previous year, who shall send their nominations and copies of the relevant papers to the Chair of the ICHMT Honours and Awards Committee. Nominations shall be judged by the Honours and Awards Committee of ICHMT. The H&A Committee recommendation shall be sent to the Executive Committee of ICHMT for endorsement.

The Award shall consist of a certificate.

3.1.3. The ICHMT Hewitt-Goldstein Young Investigator Award

“The Hewitt-Goldstein Young Investigator Award” is given annually to the most accomplished and most promising young researcher working in the general area of heat or mass transfer as related to energy applications. The Award has been established to honour the Geoff F. Hewitt and Richard J. Goldstein, pioneer members of the ICHMT and outstanding leaders in the field of energy. The Award consists of a certificate that will be presented in one of the ICHMT Conferences.

“Young Investigator” is defined as someone “within 8 years of ones' highest academic degree or under 38 years of age at the end of the year the Award is given, whichever comes first”.

The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer will award the Hewitt-Goldstein Young Investigator Award annually to the most accomplished and most promising young researcher working on the general area of heat or mass transfer as related to energy applications.

The nomination package should come from a nominator who will justify the nomination by including (1) a recent CV of the nominee, (2) at least three reference letters submitted on behalf of the nominee, and (3) a statement written by the nominee outlining their past research and future plans.

The Award shall consist of a certificate. The awardee is expected to make a presentation at one of the ICHMT conferences (not including co-sponsored meetings), where their award certificate will be presented. The conference registration fee of the awardee will be waived.

3.1.4. The ICHMT Fellowship Award

ICHMT Fellows are selected from among the present and past members of the EC and SC in recognition of administrative or organizational services provided to the Centre such as successful organization of international symposia, seminars, advanced courses or other scientific events, contributions to ICHMT publishing activities or long, active and meritorious service on the EC or SC.

The fellowship certificate signed by the President of the SC, the EC Chair, and the Secretary General is presented at an appropriate event of the ICHMT.

No more than two Fellows can be elected each year.

3.2. Nomination Procedures

The nomination procedure is handled by the EC. Four months before the first meeting of the EC in each calendar year (“the meeting of the EC”), the Secretary General shall distribute nomination forms to the following who are authorized to nominate candidates for the awards:

  • the President and Vice-President of the Centre
  • the Members of the SC
  • the Members of the EC
  • Members of the Honours and Awards Committee.

A member of the Committee cannot be nominated for either the Luikov Medal or a Fellowship award.

The completed nomination forms, together with one-page supporting statements for the nominations, shall be returned to the Committee Chair within one month of their receipt.

The Chair shall send a list of the nominations to the Secretary General of the Centre, who shall determine if all nominees are eligible for nomination.

3.3. Voting Procedures

At least two months before the meeting of the EC, the Committee Chair shall distribute ballot papers and supporting information to all members of the Committee.

The Committee members shall use optional preferential voting (see Endnote) to elect by secret ballot the persons to be awarded the Medal and Fellowships. The ballot papers shall be returned in unmarked sealed envelopes to the Committee Chair by air mail within one month of their receipt.

At the meeting of the EC, the Committee Chair and two tellers from the EC appointed by the EC Chair shall count the votes and determine the election results. The Committee Chair shall present the results at the meeting of the EC for approval; they shall be included in the official minutes of the meeting.

The Medal will be awarded to the candidate who obtains a majority of the votes cast after the distribution of preferences provided that at least half of the number of Committee members cast valid votes.

The Fellowships are awarded to the candidate(s) who obtain the first and (in the case of two awards in any year) second highest number of votes after the distribution of preferences.

The Committee Chair will have a casting vote in the case of a tie for the Medal or a Fellowship award.

3.4. Presentation of Awards

The awards shall be presented by the President or Vice-President of the Centre, the EC Chair or a person authorized by the EC.

If possible, the ceremony shall take place during an ICHMT scientific event or at an international or national conference, held at a suitable date.

The Secretary General shall notify the receipients of their awards and make arrangements for the award ceremonies.

Every effort shall be made by the Committee Chair to publicize the conferring of awards in appropriate journals and magazines or other publications.


Optional Preferential Voting: a valid vote may be cast by numbering one, some or all candidates’ names on a ballot paper, in ascending numerical order, thus either expressing a single primary preference for one candidate only, or expressing ranked preferences for some but not all candidates on a ballot paper or expressing a ranking of all candidates in the ballot in order of preference. The result of the ballot is determined by a series of counts in each of which the candidate with the lowest number of primary votes is eliminated and his or her preferences are distributed. This process continues until one candidate receives a number of first preferences equal to at least half the number of valid votes cast.


Adopted at the summer meeting of the EC in Brighton in August 1994, and amended at the meetings of the EC in Antalya, Turkey in April 2002 and in Grenoble, France in August 2002.

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