The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer is pleased to announce the 5th International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, CONV-22, to take place in İzmir, Turkey during  June 5 - 10, 2022.

 Please note: The deadline for Recent work Poster is May 3, 2022.

About Covid-19 requirements;

Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the following decisions regarding entry to the country have been taken by the authorities of the Republic of Turkey, to be effective from January 10, 2022:


Convective heat and mass transfers are encountered in various domains, including heat exchangers, electric and microelectronics cooling, automotive and aerospace, air conditioning, fuel cells cooling, building engineering as well as conversion of renewable energy.

The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers, scientists in a forum to exchange innovative ideas, methods and results, and visions of the future related to the general theme of convective heat and mass transfer. It is important to obtaining an understanding of the physical mechanisms that occur in convective heat transfer in both single–phase and two-phase flows in order to develop the means to perform convection transfer calculations.

All papers submitted to Convective Heat and Mass Transfer conference will undergo dual peer-review for publication in the Conference Proceedings.Some selected papers will be proposed for publication in reputable journals. Major topics and new trends will be introduced through several keynote lectures that will be presented by internationally recognized experts.


A wide range of topics related to classical and emerging areas of convective heat and mass transfer fundamentals and applications will be covered, including:

  • Enhancement of heat exchangers
  • Natural, forced and mixed convection
  • Convective heat transfer in solar conversion systems
  • Heat and Mass transfer in fuel cells
  • Heat and Fluid Flow in Micro/Nano Scales
  • Impinging jets
  • Mass transfer, pollutant dispersion
  • Thermo-solutal convection
  • Heat and mass transfer in building
  • Boiling, condensation, two-phase flows
  • Melting and solidification
  • Heat and Mass transfer in Biomedical devices
  • Thermo-mechanical analysis of electronic cooling
  • Measurement techniques and identification
  • Imaging and data analysis in convection
  • Thermal systems networks



This symposium is dedicated to Prof. Renato Cotta (University Federal of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Prof. Yildiz Bayazitoglu (Rice University, USA) who have made significant contributions to the international convective heat transfer community.

Yildiz Bayazitoglu

Renato Cotta



The honorary chairs of the smposium are Emeritus Prof. Sadik Kakaç (TOBB University Eco. and Tech., Ankara, Turkey) and Emeritus Prof. Jacques Padet (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France). 



Sadik Kakaç

Jacques Padet


  • S. Abboudi, University of Belfort, France
  • M. Arik, Auburn University, USA
  • M. Barisik, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
  • Y. Bayazitoglu, Rice University, USA
  • R. Bel Fdhila, Hitachi Energy, Sweden
  • A.C. Benim, Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • M.H. Buschmann, Institut für Luft- und Kältetechnik Dresden, Germany
  • B. Cetin, Bilkent University, Turkey
  • N. Chakraborty, Newcastle University, UK
  • C. Chereches, Technical University of Iasi, Romania
  • R. Cotta, University Federal of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • M.S. El-Genk, University of New Mexico, USA
  • H. El Qarnia, University of Marrakech, Morocco
  • N. El Wakil, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
  • M. A. Ezan, Izmir Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
  • K. Hanjalic, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Y.L. He, Xi`an Jiaotong University, China
  • Z.H. Karadeniz, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Turkey
  • M. Khayet, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain
  • M. Lachi, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
  • F. Lanzetta, FEMTO Institute Belfort, France
  • J. Lima, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil
  • A. Mataoui, University of Algiers, Algeria
  • M. Mobedi, Shizuoka University, Japan
  • A.A. Mohamad, Calgary University, Canada
  • G.L. Morini, University of Bologna, Italy
  • C. Naveira-Cotta, University Federal of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • H. Orlande, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • A. Pramuanjaroenkij, Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • C. Popa, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France
  • J. Quaresma, Federal University of Para, Brazil
  • M. Rebay, University of Reims, France
  • A. Radouane, ENIM Monastir, Tunisia
  • Z. Saghir, Ryerson University, Canada
  • T. Simon, University of Minnesota, USA
  • L. Sphaier, University Federal Fluminense, Brazil
  • W.Q. Tao, Xi`an Jiaotong University, China
  • A. Turgut, Izmir Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
  • A. Yazıcıoglu, Middle East Technical University, Turkey



Abstracts and Full papers to be sent to M. Rebay

May 3, 2022 Abstracts for recent work posters
April 8, 2022 Full paper submission
April 26, 2022 Notification of acceptance
May 9, 2022 Final paper due
May 9, 2022 Early registration deadline





CONV-22 Symposium is partially online virtual and in person at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey. The official language of the conference is English. Participation is open to all persons interested in this conference. Please note that all persons intending to attend the CONV-22 conference must complete the Registration Form and should register. At least one author needs to be registered by April 29, 2022 for the paper to be included in the Symposium Program and be available online in the Symposium website.

Each registered participant can present only one paper.

Student registration will be subject to proof of status.

The fees for both delegates and students cover participation in all technical sessions, welcome cocktail, symposium proceedings (printed volume and flash disc proceedings), coffee breaks, but does not include a social dinner, sight-seeing tours, trips and airport transports.

There will be a social dinner on Thursday, June 9th. The fee is 50 Euros per person with two local alcohols and 43 Euros per person with no alcohol. The tickets can be purchased using the registration form and payment can be made by bank transfer again. If you wish you can pay on-site at the registration desk. The location of the social dinner is La Cigale Restaurant, Konak, Izmir. The distance to La Cigale from Conference Venue is 100 meters.

In case of cancellation after the payment, 100 Euros will be deducted from the registration fee and the rest will be reimbursed.

Please be informed that on site payments would be accepted only in cash.

Claros Tour (Alico Turizm Ltd. Sti.) is the official Travel Agency of ICHMT.


Registration Fees in Euros

Registration Type

Before May 9, 2022

After May 9, 2022

Onsite Payment



500 €

550 €

600 €


200 €

250 €

300 €

Virtual Conference Attendees


200 €

300 €



100 €

200 €


Bank Details of Claros Tour for payment in EUROS:

(Claros Tour (Alico Turizm) is official Travel Agency of ICHMT)

ACCOUNT HOLDER:  Alico Turizm Gıda Ins. San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti.

ADDRESS OF ACCOUNT HOLDER: Ismet Kaptan Mah. Sair Esref Bulv. No 35/1 D 803 Konak/Izmir, TURKEY


BANK:  Turkiye Is Bankasi, Yeni Liman Subesi

BANK ADDRESS: Atatürk cad. No: 422, 35220, Alsancak, Izmir, Turkey

ACCOUNT NO: 3427 0443494


IBAN: TR02 0006 4000 0023 4270 4434 94

Registration fees for Turkish participants;

Registration Type

Before May 9, 2022

After May 9, 2022

Onsite Payment



2000 TL

2500 TL

3000 TL


500 TL

550 TL

600 TL

Bank Details of Claros Tour for payment in TL:

(Claros Tour (Alico Turizm) is official Travel Agency of ICHMT)

ACCOUNT HOLDER:  Alico Turizm Gıda Ins. San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti.

ADDRESS OF ACCOUNT HOLDER: Ismet Kaptan Mah. Sair Esref Bulv. No 35/1 D 803 Konak/Izmir, TURKEY


BANK:  Turkiye Is Bankasi, Yeni Liman Subesi

BANK ADDRESS: Atatürk cad. No: 422, 35220, Alsancak, Izmir, Turkey

ACCOUNT NO: 3427 0540955


IBAN: TR09 0006 4000 0013 4270 5409 55

The Registration Form for CONV-22 can be accessed through clicking on this link. For bank transfers, please send a copy of the bank transfer document to so that your payment can be traced. If the bank withholds a transfer fee from total amount, we will ask you to pay the outstanding amount on-site in cash.


The Symposium will have both oral and poster presentations.

Research communications are strictly limited to maximum 8 pages and must clearly state the purpose, the findings, and the originality of their contribution. Acceptance for oral presentations will be based on peer review of these communications.  Communications accepted for presentation will be published by Begell House, Inc., in a proceedings volume and will be available in the form of flash memory disks to the participants at the registration.

After the conference, authors of contributed papers will have the opportunity to submit an improved/enhanced version of their work, still based on their presentation content. These submissions will be considered for publication in a special issue of Heat Transfer Engineering Journal, after undergoing a new review process.

The Symposium will also include poster sessions to allow researchers to discuss their most recent work in a relaxed atmosphere.  Selection for the poster session will be based on one-page abstracts only, and no further text is required for the posters.

All authors are expected to send their contributed papers or abstracts (for posters) preferably as MS Word document format. The guidelines for preparing full papers can be found in the Guide for Authors section.


Conference Statistics
Total number of attendees 112
Number of student attendees 54
Number of countries represented 22
Number of oral presentations 101
Number of poster presentations 11
Number of face to face participants 71
Number of Online Virtual participants 41
Number of keynotes 10
Number of dedication lectures 2
Journal(s) for post-conference publication  Heat Transfer Engineering Journal
Number of papers published in the Journal(s) ?
Proceedings Flash disc with Begell House Copyright
Number of parallel sessions None



Please click here for the complete guidelines for full papers. Authors are requested to follow these guidelines to achieve uniformity in the presentation of the Proceedings.  

A signed “Copyright Release Form” must also be submitted with each manuscript.  You can download the "Copyright Release Form" by clicking here.

Please send your full paper no later than April 8, 2022 , preferably as MS Word document and also your copyright release form attached to email to Prof. Mourad Rebay, Conference co-chair, (

Participants are asked to record their presentations ahead of time, upload the presentations online and forward the video link to to avoid transmission problems later on. Please click here for guidelines on presentation recordings.



Selection for the poster session will be based on one-page abstracts only. 

You can download a MS WORD template here. Please use it as model if you choose another word processing tool.

You can download the "Suggestions for Preparing Posters" by clicking here.

You can download the "QR Code Guidelines for Posters" by clicking here



During the CONV-22 congress to be held in Izmir, Turkey, June 05-10, 2022, CLAROS TOUR  will be very pleased to organize  city tours or any other assistance you may need during this event. 

For further information about these and other services, please feel free to contact:


İsmet Kaptan Mah., Şair Eşref Bulvarı, No.35/1, D:803, Konak / İzmir / TURKEY

Tell: +90 232 421 00 11

NOTE: During the congress, CLAROS TOUR representative will be available at the Conference Center next to the reception, for any last minute requests or practical assistance. 



13.30 - Departure to Selçuk
15.00 - Arrival to House of Virgin Mary
15.00-15.45 - House of Virgin Mary visit
15.45 - Departure to Ancient Ephesus City
16.00-18.00 - Ancient Ephesus City trip
18.00 - Departure to Izmir

Per Person 60 - €

Tour is for minimum 10 people.
Price includes entrance fees, vehicle, professional guide, parking fees.
Food & drinks are extra.


09.00 - Departure from Izmir
10.00 - Arrival to Urla Harbor
10.00-11.00 - Quarantine Hospital visit
11.00-12.00 - Olive oil workshop visit
12.00 - Urla central visit
12.30-14.00 - Urla Art Street, Market of Malgaca trip, lunch at local Turkish Restaurant
14.00 - Departure to Köstem Olive Oil Museum
14.30-15.30 - Köstem Olive Oil Museum visit
15.30 - Departure to Çeşme
16.00-16.30 - Çeşme central and Marina visit
16.30-17.30 - Alaçatı market visit
17.30 - Departure to Izmir

Per Person 50 - €

Tour is for minimum 10 people.
Price includes vehicle, professional guide, parking fees.
Food, drinks and entrance fees are extra.


09.00 - Departure from Hotel
09.30 - Arrival to Konak Square
09.30-12.00 - Konak & Kemeralti Bazaar and Agora visit
12.00-13.00 - Lunch at Kemeraltı
13.00-14.30 - Kadifekale visit
14.45-15.15 - Ferry to Karşıyaka
15.15-16.30 - Karşıyaka Bazaar visit
16.30-17.00 - Ferry to Konak
17.00 - Departure to Hotel

Per Person 45 - €

Tour is for minimum 10 people.
Price includes vehicle, professional guide, parking fees.
Food, drinks, ferry tickets and entrance fees are extra.


08.30 - Departure to Selçuk
10.15 - Arrival to House of Virgin Mary
10.15-11.00 - House of Virgin Mary visit
11.00 - Departure to Ancient Ephesus City
11.30-13.30 - Ancient Ephesus City trip
13.30-14.30 - Lunch
14.30 - Departure to Şirince Village
15.00-16.00 - Free Time in Şirince Village
16.00 - Departure to Izmir

Per Person 50 - €

Tour is for minimum 10 people.
Price includes vehicle, professional guide, parking fees.
Food, drinks and entrance fees are extra.


08.30 - Departure to Bergama
10.15 - Visits to Acropolis, Temple of Athena, Royal Palaces, Temple of Troy, Temple of Dionysus, Altar of Zeus, Basilica 13.30-14.30 - Lunch
14.30 - Visit to Asklepion
16.30 - Departure to Izmir

Per Person 55 - €

Tour is for minimum 10 people.
Price includes vehicle, professional guide, parking fees.
Food, drinks and entrance fees are extra.


The Symposium will take place at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey.

For information about Visa requirements please visit:

The adress of the conference center:

DESEM | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi
Alsancak, DOKUZ EYLÜL ÜNİVERSİTESİ, Cumhuriyet Blv No:144, 35210 Konak/İzmir

The conference center "DESEM" is located in the heart of the city center of Izmir (,27.1369601,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x9971fa347cc911a4!8m2!3d38.4307068!4d27.1369601).

It is the Rectorate building of the university with no classrooms, but offices and amphitheater.

Izmir is one of the most popular cities in Turkey for tourists to visit. Located on Turkey’s Aegean Coast, Izmir was founded by the Greeks around 3000 BC before being taken over by the Romans and rebuilt by Alexander the Great. The city later became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. Accordingly, Izmir boasts a wealth of history for visitors to explore, including a number of important archeological sites.







It is at the most privilege location in Izmir.  Hotel Izmir Palas presents a distinctive experience of warm hospitality ideal for business or pleasure, all year round. Hotel concept is B & B and 2 minutes (100 Mt.) to the Conference Center.



It is a boutique hotel. Beyond Hotel offers you a life space and business environment where you feel calm and comfortable one step beyond the dynamic life at Kordon, the attraction center of the city. Hotel is designed by using the six colors of Chakra Philosophy. In each floor you feel the harmony of comfort. Hotel concept is B & B and 2 minutes (200 Mt.) to the Conference Center.



Staying in Izmir with Mövenpick Hotel gives you all the freedom to explore Izmir's treasures while having a comfortable five-star base, which embodies Turkish hospitality. Hotel concept is B & B and 5 minutes (400 Mt.) to the Conference Center.



Set in 12.000 m² of landscaped gardens Swissotel Büyük Efes, Izmir is a five-star deluxe hotel located in the heart of the city’s commercial hub and overlooking the spectacular Kordon Promenade, on Turkey’s Aegean Sea. The Hotel is within walking distance from the Archaeological Museum, Commercial Centre and Izmir Cultural Park. Adnan Menderes International Airport is less than 10 miles (15 km) and 20 minutes away. Hotel concept is B & B and 5 minutes (400 Mt.) to the Conference Center.



Kordon Hotel Pasaport is located in the center of Izmir's commercial district, and is directly on the impressive bay of Izmir, an ideal location for business and leisure trips. Konak Pier, Historical Kemeralti Bazaar and the city museums are also within walking distance for your leisure. Hotel concept is B & B and 7 minutes (550 Mt.) to the Conference Center.


NOTE: Claros Tour (Alico Turizm) is official Travel Agency of ICHMT. If you wish, you can make your hotel reservations via Claros Tour. Details are below;


From the airport, you have many public transport options in the city:

Airport shuttles (HAVAŞ) meet incoming flights and go to and from the city center for 18 TL (be sure to get off the bus in the center of town, as the bus continues north to Tersane). The Havas Bus leaves from the airport every 20, 35 or 60 minutes to the centre of Izmir.

Public buses run by ESHOT, transportation department of city council, are cheaper than Havaş, at 4,70 TL/passenger. Line number 202 is the nearest route to the Venue.

Fast Train Line(Izban) connects the airport with Alsancak Station in the city center, north of Konak Square with intervals of about 15 minutes between 6 AM and 11:30 PM. It's possible to transfer to the metro in Halkapınar station (which is, indeed, the last station for some of the services) for trips further into the city center, e.g. Konak Square.

Tickets can be bought at manned booths ("gişe"). There is a local transport card for residents but you can also prefer "3-5 Bilet" (3-5 Tickets) for short term stays. The price depends on how many trips you will make. It costs 12 TL and 27 TL for 2 and 5 trips respectively. Please note that you cannot buy one way 3-5 Bilet as the minimum fare covers two trips. You can buy a local transport card for 6 TL. When you load money to this card, you can use every bus, train, and ferry for 4,70 TL per usage.

Taxi is also another way of transport from airport. You can find taxis at the exit of arrival gate. It will cost approximately 150 TL to the city center.


Private Transfer will go directly from airport to the relevant hotel. One way will be priced as 35 - €. Car could be used for 1 to 4 people.


Conference Co-Chairs

Dr. Mourad Rebay 
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 1039, 51687 Reims, France
Tel: +33 3 2691 3448
Fax: +33 3 2691 3250

Dr. Alpaslan Turgut 
Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department
35397 Buca - Izmir, Turkey
Tel: +90 232 3019237 19237


ICHMT Secretary-General

Prof. İlker Tari
Mechanical Engineering Department
Middle East Technical University
06800 Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 312-210-2551
Fax: +90 312-210-1429



The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) is an international, professional, non-governmental, non-profit organization. The general objective of the Centre is to promote and to foster international cooperation in the science of heat and mass transfer and its applications. Its secretariat is located at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (METU).

The first meeting of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) was held in Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia, on September 16, 1968, during the International Seminar on Heat and Mass Transfer in Turbulent Boundary Layers, organized by the Boris Kidric at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Belgrade. This meeting was the culmination of activities initiated by a group of leading scientists in the field from different countries. These activities resulted from a long felt need to create an international organization in the fast growing field of heat and mass transfer. Some of the most prominent names in the field who were involved in the founding and creation of the Centre were: E.A. Brun, E.R.G. Eckert, U. Grigull, J.P. Hartnett, T.F. Irvine, Jr., S.S. Kutateladze, A.V. Luikov, W.M. Rohsenow, D.B. Spalding, and M.A. Styrikovich. The active participation and efforts of D. Velickovic, Z. Zaric and N. Afgan from the Serbian Academy of Sciences and the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Belgrade made the founding of the Centre possible.


The leadership and initiatives of Professor Zoran Zaric and later Professor Naim Afgan made the Centre grow and reach maturity over the years and become a well-known organizer of meetings and other activities with high prestige among scientists and researchers in the field of heat and mass transfer. The meetings have served as a means of conveying and transferring scientific knowledge, technical know-how, and cultural values. The Centre's many publications have become among the most sought after collections of scientific literature in the field.


The Secretariat of the Centre remained in Belgrade for almost 24 years and traditionally organized one seminar and one symposium a year, usually in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, until early 1990s when the start of the political turmoil in former Yugoslavia unavoidably hampered the functioning of the Secretariat. The Executive Committee of the Centre started looking for a new home for the Secretariat of the Centre.

Professor Sadik Kakac, a member of the Scientific Council representing Turkey, with the encouragement of Professor Yasuo Mori, the President of ICHMT, and Professor Franz Mayinger, the Chairman of the Executive Committee, contacted Professor Kemal Guruz, Head of TUBITAK (Scientific and Technical Reaserach Council of Turkey), and Professor Suha Sevuk, President of METU (Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey), and urged them to prepare a joint proposal. These efforts took more than a year. In September 1992, the proposals from institutions in seven countries were examined at an Executive Committee meeting in Rome, and it was decided, with a majority vote, that the joint proposal of METU and TUBITAK, could provide the best financial and administrative support to the Centre. Since January 1993, the Centre has restarted its activities in its new home, the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, under the joint auspices of these institutions, METU and TUBITAK.
The Statutes and the By-Laws of the Centre were revised, partly in response to the move to Turkey. At the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Scientific Council in Brighton, England in August, 1994, Professor Faruk Arinç, a faculty member at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of METU, was elected as the new Secretary General of the Centre. He was  re-elected to this office at the succeeding Scientific Council meetings held in every four years during International Heat Tranfer Conferences (IHTC).

The new Secretariat working under the new rules with renewed enthusiasm and support of the Executive Committee as well as the two standing sponsors of the Centre in Turkey, organized highly successful meetings since 1994, and sponsored many others elsewhere. The venues of the meetings in Turkey were chosen to be five-star hotels on the Aegean or Mediterranean coast, providing excellent settings for scientific as well as social gathering of all attendees and spouses. ICHMT also organizes meetings in countries other than Turkey, chaired by prominent researchers in the field.

The traditional activity of ICHMT is organization the International Symposia and Seminars. These meetings have been always met with increasing interest by the scientific, technical and industrial communities. The general scope of the meetings has always been designed with the aim of active promotion of interesting scientific work and achievements at high technical levels.

The Centre has published over 80 Proceedings on various specific aspects of heat and mass transfer. Each proceeding is related to a meeting of the Centre. International participation in the meetings is always a major aim. The total number of participants in the meetings of ICHMT since 1968 has been over 5000, coming from over 60 different countries.

In order to promote the international activities of the Centre and reach as many scientists and researchers as possible in the field, the Centre signed a publication agreement with the publisher, Begell House, Inc., in 1994, since when Begell House has been printing and distributing the scientific work of ICHMT. In addition, the Proceedings of the Biotransport-98, Plasma-99, Turbine-2000 and Vim-2001 symposia were published in the Annals of New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) in accordance with a separate agreement signed between the Centre and the Academy. In June 2006, the agreement between ICHMT and Begell House, Inc. was renewed and expanded to include the creation of an ICHMT Digital Library Online (

As emphasized in our Mission Statement, the Centre aims not only to provide attractive meeting occasions for all scientists active in the field, but also to foster international exchange of science and engineering in all branches of heat and mass transfer through the promotion of research, education, and the exchange of personnel. With this purpose of existence in mind, the Centre aims to be a reliable and state-of-the-art source of information in all its publications, and to create the means for generating international synergy, enthusiasm, and motivation among the scientists and researchers that will lead to new ideas, procedures, products, and standards to improve productivity and efficiency and to promote living in a cleaner environment.

The membership in the Centre is open to all non-governmental, non-profit, national and international organizations working in the field of heat and mass transfer. The number of member institutions of the Centre is now over 40 from 30 different countries.

One activity initiated by the Secretariat of the Centre in 1994 was the creation of the ICHMT Home Page on the Internet. This site is constantly updated, and has now grown to a significant size. It is being accessed by scientists all over the world.

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